How it works
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Shop from Store
Shop at any Store after Redirecting via Bigtricks (You must be logged in)
- To Earn Cashback First Ensure You are Logged into
- You Must be Redirected to merchant Site Via Bigtricks Only.
- Due to the return policy of the product and validation process at retailers, it takes 4-10 weeks of time to get cashback in confirmed state.
- Once we receive the final confirmation of the purchase from the retailer, we confirm the cashback then pending balance made available for you to use.
- BT Cashback earned can be used to transfer into the bank account, online wallet transfer and get online shopping vouchers.
[/vc_toggle][vc_toggle title=”What is pending Balance and how Much time it Take to get Approve?” style=”arrow” color=”mulled_wine” el_id=”pending”]Pending Balance is The Balance that Added once You make Purchase.Pending Balance approved once You do not Return or Cancel The takes 30-60 Days to get Confirm.
Available Balance is the amount that you can redeem immediately (after minimum withdrawal limit of Rs 100/-).[/vc_toggle][vc_toggle title=”Why it Take So much time /” style=”arrow” color=”mulled_wine” el_id=”1515431285519-d28a3333-7983″]We have to wait for the store to confirm to us that the purchase was not returned or exchanged. Merchants also use this time to validate that the sale has met conditions for earning of cashback.
We constantly work with stores to reduce this waiting period. However, just to be on good terms we inform you that it may usually take 4-10 weeks for a transaction to be confirmed.[/vc_toggle][vc_toggle title=”What are the minimum Withdraw limit” style=”arrow” color=”mulled_wine” el_id=”1515431536624-44ac3363-9ef5″]You can Withdraw Confirmed Cashback once You have rs.100 in your Account but the Best part is We always Post Big Offer that let you earn More than Rs.100 On Your Shopping o in other words you don’t have any withdrawal limit at all.[/vc_toggle][vc_toggle title=”How can i Trust Bigtricks” style=”arrow” color=”mulled_wine” el_id=”1515431646266-4ccc6c0a-2ba9″]Your question is Obvious, You can trust as we always try to make our Customers happy we are always here to help you. If anytime you need Help or any type of assistant you can contact us at [email protected] or You can Whatsapp us at +917062797380. [/vc_toggle][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_custom_heading text=”Select Best Cashback Offers From below Grid” font_container=”tag:h2|text_align:center|color:%235f39bf”]